In the Kanto Region, an unsettling story unfolds in Stigma Version, a fan-made Pokémon game that brings a darker, more mysterious twist to the beloved franchise. The game begins in Lavender Town, where you, a budding Pokémon Trainer, face an unprecedented threat. A hooded man in Pokémon Tower unleashes a sinister virus that transforms Trainers and their Pokémon into mindless ghouls. It is up to you, alongside your friends Selena and Erik, to uncover the truth behind this epidemic and stop Team Nihilus from carrying out their devastating plan.
As you journey through Kanto, you'll encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their hidden agendas. You'll meet the enigmatic scientist Lumos, who is searching for a cure for the virus, as well as the mysterious Great Sage Stephano, who has his intentions. Along the way, powerful Gym Leaders, divine deities, and even familiar characters from the main games like May, Dawn, Brendan, and Ethan will either assist or deceive you. The stakes are high, and your decisions could determine the fate of the world.
Stigma Version offers several exciting features that set it apart from other Pokémon games:
To fully enjoy your adventure in Stigma Version, here are the essential game controls for navigating the world of Kanto and battling against the forces of evil:
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